Friday, June 28, 2013

Pet Peeve!

I have discovered a new pet peeve. It's the peeve of all peeves! People who try to set the standard for what others should or shouldn't  be thinking or feeling. If you're not exactly on point with them, they feel the need to play devils advocate and point out why they feel you should or should not have any validation in what you're saying or feeling.

Perfect examples of this:

"oh so you think it's cold there, it's colder here". Translation, "you're not colder than me. Your observation is invalid".

"So being a stay at home mom is hard? Try being a working mom". Translation, "I am the only mom that has any reason to complain, because I'm beyond important. I'm the end all be all to what motherhood is".

"So what, some celebrity died. Soldiers die everyday and I don't see their names being posted all over Facebook". Translation, " I never really liked that person. They aren't important to me so I'm going to make you feel like an ass for caring".

Reality, soldiers are silent heroes. They're respected and cherished. Just because they aren't mentioned by name doesn't mean no one cares. It's because sometimes we don't know their names. You want a list of their names, talk to the media about that. Even better, talk to our government. Have them give you and the public with a list of the dead.

And my all time personal favorite, " I don't understand why people are focusing on this "topic" or "issue", when this "topic/ issue" is far more important (example, GMO vs LGBT rights).
Translation, "look at me! I'm a prick!"

What bothers me the most about this topic, is there's a missed opportunity to connect with people because of the need to say, "oh yeah...look at me". No discussions, no sharing and comparing stories. Just a weak attempt at seeming important. It's arrogant. It's a pissing contest of sorts and it's quite ridiculous. If you are arrogant I would rather have you tell me why you're so great and why your opinions matter, instead of telling everyone else why they aren't important and why their opinions don't matter.

Instead of dismissing people, try jumping off of your high horse and come join the conversation. No? Ok, then just go away.

Sorry, end of rant....

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